3.1.2023 Release Notes

Below are the release notes for Mar 1, 2023.


  • Location-Aware controls for BigQuery Connection.
    • For customers with regional compliance constraints, this allows you to guarantee that BigQuery data will only be stored in the location you define.
    • Currently this only supports US and EU locations. If you need others, let us know!


  • AWS S3 Intelligent Tiering is now enabled by default.
    • We'll be rolling this out over the coming weeks. If you want it sooner for your account, reach out and let us know.
  • SDK: Add Data Plane type and Data Plane config to data service definition.


  • Fix a bug where a filename column was incorrectly passed to Spark, causing failures when reading data.
  • Fix a bug where the asset info in the UI wouldn't update correctly when selecting a different asset in the connection browser.
  • Fix a bug where part of the custom data range picker in the observe panel is hidden.
  • Fix bugs relating to Spark unavailability by fixing the underlying health check stability.
  • Fix bug with Google Ads connector where the incorrect type was being used when listing assets as part of connection browser.
  • Fix edge case where cluster pool settings wouldn't render correctly if they were using default values.
  • Fix bug where renaming a data service would result in an internal server error.