ARCHIVED Google BigQuery Write Connector

Create New Write Connector


Figure 1

In Figure 1 above:


  • Name (required): The name to identify this connector with.
  • Description (optional): Description of what data this connector will write.

Connector Configuration


Figure 2

You can either manually provide DATASET (required), or click on Browse and Select Data: this button allows to explore resource and locate the destination. Select the destination you want to write and press Select.

Connection Options

  • UPSTREAM (required): Pick upstream component from which data will be written.
  • OUTPUT TABLE (required): Directory within dataset to write the data. If the table does not exist, it will be created.
  • PARTITION FIELD NAME (optional): field name with which to divide the data into partitions.
  • ON SCHEMA MISMATCH (optional): Strategy to be implemented in the event of a mismatch of the local scheme with the remote one. you can choose between: Skip schema check, Stop and display error, Recreate table, Alter table.
  • A SQL STATEMENT FOR ASCEND TO EXECUTE BEFORE WRITING (optional): A SQL statement (or sequence of statements separated by ';') for Ascend to execute before updating the target table.
  • A SQL STATEMENT FOR ASCEND TO EXECUTE AFTER WRITING(optional): A SQL statement (or sequence of statements separated by ';') for Ascend to execute after it has updated the target table.