Learn the required and optional properties of creating an SFTP Connection, Credential, Read Connector, and Write Connector.


  • SFTP server
  • Access credentials

Connection Properties

The following table describes the fields available when creating a new SFTP Server Connection. Create a connection using the information below and these step-by-step instructions.

Access TypeRequiredThe type of connection: Read-Only, Write-Only or Read-Write.
Connection NameRequiredThe name to identify this connection with, such as 'SFTP Server Connector'.
HostRequiredIP or the hostname of the SFTP server.
PortOptionalHost server port number (default: 22).
Requires CredentialsRequiredChoose from existing credentials or create new credentials for connecting to SFTP server if 'Required Credentials' checkbox is selected.

Credential Properties

The following table describes the fields available when creating a new SFTP Server credential.

Credential NameRequiredThe name to identify this credential with.
Credential TypeRequiredThis field will automatically populate with SFTP Server.
UserRequiredSFTP Server username to connect with.
PasswordRequiredSFTP Server password to connect with.

Read Connector Properties

The following table describes the fields available when creating a new SFTP Server Read Connector. Create a new Read Connector using the information below and these step-by-step instructions.

Field NameRequiredDescription
NameRequiredProvide a name for your connector. We recommend using lowercase with underscores in place of spaces.
DescriptionOptionalDescribes the connector. We recommend providing a description if you are ingesting information from the same source multiple times for different reasons.
Object Pattern MatchingRequiredThe pattern strategy used to identify eligible files:
- Glob: Glob applies a simple pattern matching algorithm.
- Match: Matches the pattern precisely character-for-character.
- Prefix: Matches the pattern with the specified prefix.
- Regex: Regex applies a pattern matching algorithm.
Object PatternRequiredThe pattern you'll use to match.
ParserRequiredWe support several data formats. See Blob Storage Read Connector Parsers for more information about CSV, Excel, JSON, and Python parsers:
- Avro
- Excel
- Parquet
- Python
- Text
Object Aggregation StrategyRequiredCurrently available strategies are:
- Adaptive
- Leaf Directory
- Prefix Regex Match

Write Connector Properties

The following table describes the fields available when creating a new SFTP Server Write Connector. Create a new Write Connector using the information below and these step-by-step instructions.

NameRequiredThe name of the component.
DescriptionOptionalDescribes the connector. We recommend providing a description if you are ingesting information from the same source multiple times for different reasons.
UpstreamRequiredPick upstream component from which data will be written.
Unique Output DirectoryOptionalThe name of the subdirectory into the SFTP folder where Ascend will place the incoming data.
FormatRequiredWe support several data formats. See Amazon S3 Read Connector Parsers for more information about CSV, Excel, JSON, and Python parsers:

- Avro
- Excel
- Parquet
- Python
- Text