System Usage Connection

About the Connection

The System Usage Connection Type enables developers to audit the Jobs, Pods, and Nodes from Ascend.

  • Jobs: Represents each individual task that Ascend has scheduled in order to process the Components of a Dataflow. Some jobs, such as cleaning up old artifacts in Blob store aren't associated to a particular Component. Individual partitions and stages of a Component (for example the List Stage of 1 Partition of a Read Connector) are represented as distinct entries.
  • Pods: Jobs are executed through different Pods (since Ascend is deployed as a Kubernetes cluster). Pods may be associated to Spark Clusters, the core services of Ascend, operational pods needed for the infrastructure, etc.
  • Nodes: The scheduling of Pods drives Kubernetes to scale Nodes, or often referred to as instances as referred to by the cloud providers.
  • Billings: Shows hourly recorded job usage on Ascend cluster and data plane (such as snowflake, databricks, or big query)

By creating a System Usage Connection, developers can audit their metadata of Ascend with the same tool chain used for building Dataflows.

Create a System Usage Connection


Figure 1


Figure 2

In Figure 2 above:

  • Access Type (required): The type of connection: Read-Only.
  • Connection Name (required): The name to identify this connection with, such as 'System Usage Connection'.
  • Require Credentials (required): The connector does not require any credentials to work

Create New Read Connector


Figure 3

In Figure 3 above:


  • Name (required): The name to identify this connector with.
  • Description (optional): Description of what data this connector will read.

Connector Configuration

You can either provide Usage Type(required) from the drop-down menu, which allow you to choose between Pods, Nodes or Jobs or click on Browse and Select Data: this button allows to explore resource and locate assets to ingest.


The Jobs data set consists of each individual task that Ascend has scheduled in order to process the Components of a Dataflow.


Figure 4

Data and Fields

Note, fields like data_service_id, dataflow_id, and component_id are only present if the Job is associated to a particular component.

scheduled_attimestampWhen the Job was scheduled by the Ascend scheduler for processing. At this time, the Job and its details are sent to be dispatched to either a running engine to process it or will spin up a new one.
finished_attimestampWhen the Job was complete.
data_service_idstringID of the Data Service as specified by the Developer.
data_service_uuidstringAscend internal UUID for the Data Service which persists even if the data_service_id is changed.
dataflow_idstringID of the Dataflow as specified by the Developer.
dataflow_uuidstringAscend internal UUID for the Dataflow which persists even if the dataflow_id is changed.
component_idstringID of the Component as specified by the Developer.
component_typestringThe type of the component, such as 'readConnector'.
component_uuidstringAscend internal UUID for the Component which persists even if the component_id is changed.
servicestringWhat service is used for the component, such as spark, legacy_connector, or internal_system
taskstringWhat processing task this Job was for.
cpu_reqdoubleThe CPU cores that were requested for the processing of this Job. For a Spark job, this is calculated as: driver cores + (# of executors * cores per executor).
duration_secondsdoubleDuration of the Job in fractional seconds, measured as the difference between the scheduled_at and finished_at.
statusstringThe status of the Job, either 'SUCCESS' or 'FAILURE'.
worker_idstringThe ID of the Spark worker node assigned to compute the entry.


The Pods dataset contains an entry for every pod on the cluster measured at every minute. This dataset reflects all Pods in the Kubernetes cluster (both for internal Ascend usage and for running customer data processing).


Figure 5

Data and Fields

measured_attimestampTimestamp in which Ascend measured the active Pods on the cluster. This interval should be about every minute.
pod_namestringName of the Pod.
pod_uidstringThe Kubernetes Pod identifier, a distinct value for Pods over the lifetime of the Kubernetes cluster.
namespacestringThe Kubernetes namespace the pod belongs to.
node_namestringName of the node where the pod is running.
node_uidstringThe Kubernetes Node identifier, a distinct value for Nodes over the lifetime of the Kubernetes cluster.
cpu_usagedoubleCPU usage for the Pod at the moment of measurement.
cpu_reqdoubleThe number of CPU cores requested by the Pod.
cpu_limitdoubleThe upper limit of CPU cores for the Pod.
memory_usagelongThe bytes of memory that the Pod is using at the moment of measurement.
memory_reqlongThe bytes of memory requested by the Pod.
memory_limitlongThe upper limit of memory for the Pod.
worker_idstringThe ID of the Spark worker node assigned to compute the entry.


The Nodes dataset contains an entry for every node (also referred to as an "instance") on the cluster measured at every minute. This dataset reflects all Nodes in the Kubernetes cluster (both for internal Ascend usage and for running customer data processing).


Figure 6

Data and Fields

measured_attimestampTimestamp in which Ascend measured the active Pods on the cluster. This interval should be about every minute.
node_namestringName of the Node.
node_uidstringThe Kubernetes Node identifier, a distinct value for Nodes over the lifetime of the Kubernetes cluster.
pool_namestringName of the Kubernetes pool that the node belongs to. Values include compute and default. The compute pool is likely of most interest as these nodes are used for data processing.
instance_typestringThe virtual machine type used from the underlying Cloud Provider.
cpu_capacitydoubleThe number of CPU cores the Node has.
cpu_usagedoubleCPU usage for the Node at the moment of measurement.
memory_capacitylongThe bytes of memory the Node has.
memory_usagelongThe bytes of memory that the Node is using at the moment of measurement.


The Billings dataset contains an entry for billable usage on the cluster measured at every hour. This dataset reflects the vcpu usage per hour or credits in the Kubernetes cluster (both for internal Ascend usage and for running customer data processing) and in the dataplane.

Data and Fields

at_hourtimestampTimestamp in which Ascend measured the billing usage. This interval should be about every hour.
data_plane_typestringThe type of data plane.
data_plane_idstringThe id of data plane
data_plane_namestringThe name of data plane.