Webhook Notification Event Variables

Ascend's Monitoring and Notifications enables sending a webhook upon Platform events. This webhook can be customized by providing a template. The template will be rendered with a variable named event, that has the following fields:

Field NameTypeDescriptionExample
eventTimeString, formatted as ISO 8601 UTC with millisecondsThe timestamp of the event2017-11-06T16:39:59.000Z
dataServiceData Service FieldsThe Data Service the event is associated with, if applicableSee Data Service Fields
dataflowDataflow FieldsThe Dataflow the event is associated with, if applicableSee Dataflow Fields
environmentStringThe subdomain for the Ascend environmentmycompany-staging
userUser FieldsThe user of the eventSee User Fields
typeStringThe event typegetSourceState
serviceStringThe Ascend service that logged the eventapi
componentComponent FieldsThe Component the event is associated with, if applicableSee Component Fields
queryQuery FieldsThe query the event is associated with, if applicableSee Query Fields
apiApi FieldsThe API fields associated with the event, if applicableSee Api Fields
componentStateChangeComponent State Change FieldsIf the event is a component state change, this key contains the details of the state change.See Component State Change Fields

Data Service Fields

Field NameTypeDescriptionExample
idStringThe id of the Data Servicedata_service_1
nameStringThe name of the Data Service (only present if event is from 'api' service)data service 1
uriStringThe API path for the Data Service (only present if event is from 'api' service)api/v1/organizations/data_service_1
uuidStringThe UUID (Ascend Internal ID) for the Data Serviceb4c88a45-0fe8-4dc1-8b88-5f06cc125940

Dataflow Fields

Field NameTypeDescriptionExample
idStringThe id of the Dataflowdata_flow_1
nameStringThe name of the Dataflow (only present if event is from 'api' service)data flow 1
uriStringThe API path for the Dataflow (only present if event is from 'api' service)/api/v1/organizations/o1/projects/project_1
uuidStringThe UUID (Ascend Internal ID) for the Dataflow8a99372b-db8f-4a0e-a9ff-454eb7ad0e8f

User Fields

Field NameTypeDescriptionExample
emailStringThe email of the user[email protected]
auth_providerStringThe auth provider the user logged in withokta

Component Fields

Field NameTypeDescriptionExample
idStringThe id of the Componentsource_1
nameStringThe name of the Component (only present if event is from 'api' service)Source 1
uriStringThe API path for the Data Service (only present if event is from 'api' service)/api/v1/organizations/o1/project/p1/sources/source_1/state
uuidStringThe UUID (Ascend Internal ID) for the Data Service90a983e8-3829-4238-bae5-26c9c6acc482
typeStringThe type of the component: source, view, or sinksource

Query Fields

Field NameTypeDescriptionExample
urlStringThe url associated with the query
queryEventStringThe event associated with the query

Api Fields

Field NameTypeDescriptionExample
requestJSON object with key of methodMethod represents the HTTP method of the API request{"method": "GET"}
responseJSON object with key of status_codeStatus code represents the HTTP response code{"status_code": 200}

Component State Change Fields

Field NameTypeDescriptionExample
messageStringMessage associated with the state changeThe Component has partitions with errors.
fromComponent State FieldsThe previous state of the componentSee Component State Fields
toComponent State FieldsThe new state of the componentSee Component State Fields

Component State Fields

Field NameTypeDescriptionExample
textStringA text representation of the stateError
errorsArray of Error FieldsIf the component is in error state, the first 10 errors associated with the componentSee Error Fields

Error Fields

Field NameTypeDescriptionExample
descriptionStringDescription of the error
timestampStringTime the error was recorded
backtraceArray of StringsThe backtrace of the error, if the error corresponds to an error in code logic