Slack Notification

Notification integration with Slack

Ascend's Monitoring and Notifications system enables operators to create a webhook that publishes events to an endpoint.

One option integrates Ascend events into a Slack Notification.

  1. Create a Slack incoming webhook endpoint to send a message.
  2. Locate the Webhook URL generated from the app.
  3. Create a new Ascend webhook from the Data Service settings.
  4. Set the Notification URL to the one found in step 2.
  5. Add a Header with key Content-Type and value application/json.
  6. Select the events that you would like to create Slack messages.
  7. Add the event payload, mapping the Webhook Notification Event Variable to the desired Slack message.



The Slack integration requires that the payload be wrapped in a JSON object with the key "text", as shown below. Otherwise, notifications will not appear in your Slack channel.

	"text": "Error in in data service `{{}}` dataflow `{{}}` for {{event.component.type}} `{{}}` at `{{event.eventTime}}` changed to state `{{}}`."