Supported Spark Versions

Ascend provides multiple Spark versions for compatibility with existing code and to enable different runtime options. The list below contains our Spark versions and removal dates from the platform.


Removal Dates

The removal date is when a runtime is first eligible for removal from the Ascend platform. This date is not necessarily the exact date the runtime will be removed and the actual removal date may be after the listed removal date.

Spark RuntimeRelease DateRemoval Date
3.4.0November 30, 2023 (for Gen2 Environments)Not Yet Set
3.2.0February 3, 2022Not Yet Set
3.1.2August 6, 2021Not Yet Set
3.1.0December 9, 2020 (release cut before official Spark release)Not Yet Set
3.0.0August 5, 2020October 24, 2022
2.4.6August 5, 2020August 15, 2022