Network Connectivity


This documentation only applies to Customer Hosted Ascend environments. Updated documentation for Ascend Cloud customers is coming soon!

Ascend provides support for two network connectivity options that enable the cloud-based platform to connect to private/internal data sources (e.g. on-premise). All options are highly configurable, production-quality and are based on network security best practices.

Customers can also bring their own network configuration for more complex scenarios (VPC Peering, VPN tunnels, etc.).

  1. Reverse SSH - an SSH-based solution that enables you to establish an outgoing SSH tunnel from your network to the Ascend cloud platform, to allow Ascend to connect to the private/internal data sources you choose.
  2. SSH Gateway - an SSH-based solution that enables the Ascend cloud platform to connect to private resources through a bastion host on your network.

If you have connectivity needs that are not addressed by the options above, please contact us for assistance.